Saturday, 31 October 2009

General Update

I am back in India. The first few days were the worst when I missed everything about being in the UK (sounds so clichéd but it really is not). I had a fantastic year and now I only have memories and photographs and little souvenirs to remind me of that year.

Life seems in a state of transition. However going back to the grind of the work, a book deal in the works, a PhD offer from my University, everything seems so confusing and distressing. Anway, just to let you all know - I am alive and managing to survive moving continents (again!), uprooting myself, starting over again and if a couple of things work out then moving again sometime next year.

Till then adios!

P.S: I got an email from IndiBlogger informing me that my blog is ranked 48th out of 100. Thanks guys! I seriously thought no one really reads this blog.


Unknown said...

hi there
was wondering where u had disappeared:) great to know that ur back in Bharat:) a book deal ha, damn neat, finally i can tell my friends when i get ur book ''Boss i know the author:))"
all the best with ur new ventures:)
take care

Prasad said...

wowow! zephy!!! good to know ur alive and kickin and i see some real action on the cards!! book deal woahhhhhhh!!! i get a autographed copy plz!

n.aka.zephyr said...

Hey TD,

Thanks for your wishes.. the book is still being written.. so a lot of stuff is still in the pipeline... it's one of those non-fiction issue based thingies.. probably no one is ever going to read it and I shall be buying and gifting its copies to my family and friends! :D

n.aka.zephyr said...

Hey Pras,
How are you doing, man?? Sure... you'll get a signed copy.. once everything falls into place :)